Beth Friedeberg


I'm a UKCP-accredited Core Process Psychotherapist, with a Masters degree from the Karuna Institue, and an advanced diploma in integrative arts psychotherapy from I.A.T.E.    I offer a safe, confidential space in which you can be deeply heard and met as you explore any aspects of your life you would like to bring. Core Process is an embodied, mindfulness-based approach, which means that we will be bringing curiosity to the emotions and sensations that are arising for you in the moment, as you explore events, dynamics and issues from your life. My work is also relational, which means it’s really important that you feel safe and at ease with me. For this reason, I offer a free initial consultation session, so we can both get a sense for whether we’d like to work together. Please see my website if you’d like to find out more: Tel: 07342 993463

Veronia Moreno

Veronica Moreno

Energy Healer, Counsellor & Coach

Veronica has a unique approach being trained in various psychological models, healing modalities and esoteric traditions. She is qualified as a Humanistic Integrative Counsellor, Shamanic Energy Healer, Theta Healer and Life and Career Coach as well as having a strong spiritual practice. Her specialty is to help people let go of the old stories, traumatic experiences and limiting beliefs that are no longer serving them so they can connect with their true selves and purpose and live a joyful and fulfilling life. She has a warm, friendly and empowering approach that will help you heal your deepest wounds and also connect with your biggest inner treasures. Services offered: Counselling, Theta Healing, Shamanic Energy Healing, Life Coaching, Career Coaching and Spiritual Mentoring. Contact her on or

Sarah Moass

EMDR Therapist

Sarah is an EMDR Therapist and Occupational Therapist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Sarah has worked within a variety of mental health settings including both NHS and Independent Sectors over the past 11 years. She has a passion for supporting individuals with processing trauma and providing them with a safe space to work towards their recovery, and future aspirations in life. Sarah has significant experience working with a vast range of complex mental health conditions with her specialisms being trauma, PTSD, phobias and anxiety. Sarah is offering EMDR Therapy and person-centred mental health support. Email or call on 07308 333190

Michael Rogan

Nutritional Therapist

Michael is a Nutritional Therapist, Associate Naturopath and Environmental/Chemical Engineer. His approach is unique and effective because he combines modern nutritional developments with ancient wisdom from disciplines such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Michael practises naturopathically, which means that he will help you to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal and return to balance through careful nutritional, lifestyle, and environmental adjustments. He will also work with you to help you understand your own condition, how you got there and how you can maintain your own health going forward. For more information, please see his website If you have any questions or would like to book a free discovery call, please contact Michael via email: or book a call directly from his website.

Charlie Bowyer

Integrative Counsellor

I am a Trauma-informed integrative Counsellor specialising in PTSD, bereavement, developmental trauma and patterns of relating. In unpsych words - depression, anxiety, relationship issues, stress, addiction, sleeping problems. I am able to offer a safe, non-judgmental, deeply attuned space for you to explore what’s not working, what’s blocking growth and what is troubling you. Whatever that might be, the space is yours with no agenda. I work at your pace walking with you, supporting your growth in awareness. I understand how hard the first steps can be, how lonely and isolating living with trauma can be - feeling that no-one could possibly understand. Integrative therapy allows flexibility to work with disconnected parts of self, looking at patterns of relating and understanding roots of developmental trauma working relationally to support clients. I offer counselling in person , via Zoom and telephone, please email at for further details.

Jan Lake

Integrative Counsellor

As a Humanistic Integrative counsellor, Jan believes in the uniqueness of each individual, employing the approach that best suits your individuality and needs. On your counselling journey, Jan aims to 'walk alongside you, as a trusted friend might, providing you with the support you need whilst helping you to find your own way. The pace and the destination of that journey being determined by your requirements and goals, at this time'. You will have the space and opportunity to talk openly about your feelings and experiences, in a safe and quiet environment where you will be truly heard and validated. Contact Jan Tel: 07948 081707

Emma White

Emma White

Integrative Counsellor Specialising in Body Centred Therapy

As an integrative counsellor I will offer support in a way that feels most helpful for you. I have particular experience in working with body centred therapy & trauma. I offer you a safe space to Be heard & together, we find ways for you resolve the difficulties you're experiencing, cope more effectively & to live your life more fully. Trauma Sensitive Body Centred therapy can offer an effective & safe way to explore & overcome the adverse effects of trauma. I have found this to be invaluable in supporting survivors of domestic & sexual violence. Relaxation & Mindfulness techniques can help alleviate the symptoms of stress, anxiety & depression, allowing us to gain greater clarity whilst developing safe & effective coping strategies. Please feel welcome to contact me & discuss your requirements Emma 07821 636929

Helen Breeze

Integrative Counsellor

Helen is a qualified integrative counsellor, and a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Helen specialises in working with clients with eating disorders and has a post qualifying specialist diploma in Eating Disorders from the National Counselling Society. Helen has experience of working with a wide variety of clients of all ages and backgrounds including domestic abuse, trauma, working with carers, gambling, and addictions. Helen has twenty years’ experience of working with primary aged children prior to qualifying as a counsellor, delivering the ‘Drawing and Talking’ programme to children who were struggling emotionally with anxiety, attachment issues, adoption, and neglect. Helen continues to have a keen interest in young people’s mental health alongside her work with adults. Contact: 07926 042 222 Email:

Anna Furse

Sports therapist

Anna offers sports massage, postural analysis, cupping therapy, IASTM, pitch side first aid, pre natal massage, wellbeing workshops and more. "Having worked with a range of professional and elite athletes, I understand the need for effective sports therapy. I offer extensive rehabilitation plans along side effective therapy to ensure we get the outcome you need to make a positive change to your lifestyle.” To book contact Anna on 07398 721301 or via the social media links above

Carine Shapland

Shiatsu & Emmett Practitioner

Carine offers Shiatsu and Emmett Technique treatments at Tavistock Therapy Centre. Shiatsu can aid a wide range of chronic conditions such as: headaches, PMS, digestive disorders, fatigue, insomnia, stress, anxiety, grief and musculoskeletal pain including lower back, neck and joint pain. You can choose a standalone therapy or combine both Emmett and Shiatsu according to your needs and wishes. To book please contact Carine by phone, email or via Facebook 07519 629996

Steven Smallwood

Swedish & Hot Stone massage, Reiki

Steven is a fully insured, registered and qualified complementary therapist based in both London and Tavistock. Using an holistic approach, he combines massage, aromatherapy and/or energy work with the aim to help his clients recover, rebalance and relax. He takes pride in providing a tailored experience that focuses entirely on his clients, at the same time providing a safe, comfortable, and caring environment. Because of this, he is a great choice for those who are new to complementary therapy. Contact on 07385184555

Esme Johnson

Art Therapist

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art making and images as part of the therapeutic process. You do not need to have any previous experience of making art. Using art materials in the presence of a supportive art therapist provides an alternative way to freely express and explore your feelings, especially when verbal communication may feel difficult. I offer a respectful, non-judgemental, and confidential space to process difficult emotions and experiences at your own pace. Art therapy can be an enjoyable and non-threatening way to build a trusting therapeutic relationship, and a gentle and effective holistic tool for improving mental well-being. I have worked in various therapeutic and educational settings with adults, children and young people with a variety of social, emotional and mental health difficulties. During my training I provided art therapy in a charity setting for children who had suffered trauma and loss, and for adults at an NHS specialist psychological trauma service. Contact Esme by email or phone 07981903333.

Lisa Clive

Child Psychologist

I am a highly skilled Clinical Psychologist who has worked in the NHS since 1997 specialising in working with children, young people and their families in paediatrics. My experience has covered working with a broad range of issues including loss, bereavement, health, anxiety, phobias, acceptance and adherence, identity, trauma and PTSD. I have specialist training in family therapy and I am an EMDR trained child and adult practioner. My interests include the development of infant parent relationships, attachment, anxiety and trauma. 07827 925989

Family Therapist

Jon Dunn

Family & Couples Therapist

Jon has over 20 years’ experience of working therapeutically. He works with individuals, couples and family groups in a non-judgemental way, aiming to be respectful of each person’s beliefs, culture, life experiences and differences. Together we can explore your particular situation and how we might work towards the changes you would like to see in your life. People bring a range of concerns to therapy including, family relationships, parenting issues, stepfamily issues, one or more family members struggling with mental health difficulties (anxiety, depression, psychosis…), difficulties from the past affecting current relationships, illness and loss. To find out more about Jon and his approach email or call on 07588151591

Daniel Pipe


Daniel is an accredited EMDR practitioner with extensive experience of working in the NHS, private healthcare and military healthcare settings. Daniel qualified as a mental health nurse in 1998 and after developing a special interest in the treatment of PTSD he began his training to become an EMDR Practitioner in 2007. Daniel is now working towards Consultant Supervisor in EMDR . Contact by email

Teresa Pipe

EMDR Consultant

Teresa is an Integrative Psychotherapist and EMDR practitioner with more than 15 years’ experience. She retains her mental health nursing registration, having worked in a variety of mental health settings over the years . In addition to private practice Teresa has extensive experience of working with Serving Military, Veterans and Emergency Services Personnel, treating PTSD and other trauma related conditions using EMDR. Contact by phone 07877 577282 or email

Emily Burns

Child Therapist

Emily is a Child and Adolescent Therapist who has worked therapeutically with children and families for over twenty years. She has helped many children through difficult times using play and the arts to communicate emotions, often in a way words cannot. She works with play, creative arts, mindfulness, visualisations, and other techniques to help children and young people cope with and make sense of anxiety and strong emotions. She is experienced in child-parent work and offers support to parents and other professionals working with the child.  She has specialisms in trauma and attachment and works with vulnerable children at Trevi and Psychology Associates.  Tel: 07905207476 Email:

Alison Jackson


I am a BACP Accredited Integrative counsellor and counselling Supervisor with 12 years experience dealing with a wide range of clients and issues. We can experience difficulty in a number of ways: in our thoughts; in our feelings; in our bodies and in our spirits. My approach is to explore where the blocks lie and work with a person to help them move forward. Broadly speaking my approach is humanistic and optimistic because I believe in the essential goodness of people, their innate drive to develop and their ability to use their inner resources to resolve difficulties.

Hermione Brown

Energy Psychotherapy / Family Constellations

I work at a spiritual & soul level to help you achieve transformational change in your life and to help you understand the roots of your issues. We might work on childhood experiences, ancestral trauma or past life issues. All you need is an open mind to and a willingness to feel and release any difficult emotions that have got stuck, whatever the roots. I am trained in Energy Psychotherapy, Family Constellations, Shamanic Practice, Psychotherapy & Counselling. I have a wide range of techniques so we can discover together what healing you need so you can lead a bright, joyful, empowered and purposeful life. Visit my website: Contact me with any questions or to book a session or 07990812889.

Contact Us

3 Abbey Place, Tavistock PL19 0AB